Board of County Commissioners/Gadsden

County Industrial Development Board

Joint Workshop

April 5, 2016

4:30 p.m.


Present:               Brenda A. Holt, Chair, District 4

                                Eric Hinson, Vice Chair, District 1

                                Dr. Anthony “Dr. V” Viegbesie, District 2

                                Gene Morgan, District 3

                                Sherrie Taylor, District 5

                                Jack Harnett, Attorney for GCIDA

                                Robert Presnell, County Administrator

                                David Weiss, County Attorney

                                Marcella Blocker, Deputy Clerk



  Chair Holt welcomed everyone to the workshop.







Background of the Gadsden County Industrial Development Authority (GCIDA)

  Mr. Presnell gave brief background of the GCIDA.


V said went through packet earlier and only saw 1 set of meeting minutes-asked if meetings were recorded.


Mr. Presnell said Authority required to have 1 meeting per year; very brief because no activity.


Jack Harnett, GCIDA Attorney, appeared before the Board and explained the BOCC had no authority over the GCIDA, they were created by statute and he gave a brief history of the Authority


Commissioner Morgan appeared at this juncture of the meeting.


Commissioner Hinson stepped out at this juncture of the meeting.


Commissioner Viegbesie thanked him.


Commissioner Taylor appeared at this juncture of the meeting.


V asked how they could change the frequency of the meetings because them meeting once a year, he felt, they were losing influx of business-authority doesn’t meet unless reason to meet-they are there 365 days a year and people constantly come by.


Hinson returned at this juncture of the meeting.


Harnett said mostly been connected with Chamber and an industry approaches


V said listening to what he heard, if authority was created to attract and retain industry in County, how BOCC created GCDC that Authority was to do.  Harnett said another statute that allowed County to be active in water, sewer that Authority not authorized to do


Chair Holt asked to give clarity.  When she came on Board, she knew nothing of the Industrial Authority.  How do other boards fit into what they are trying to accomplish for the County


Holt said they tried to rotate to different townships to have meeting and people would ask “why you want to meet with us?”


Chair Holt asked Weiss his take on the bond issue-they have authority

Do they have to follow sunshine law-yes-need to make sure the public minutes get to the BOCC


V asked if this Board selected members of GCIDA, are they acting as representative of BOCC, who responsible for bond if lender defaults, could it fail back on the County?  Authority responsible for bond issue, always prospect of default


Harnett said statutes clear-no public liability of bonds-Authority assists banks, lending institutions, county has no liability


Holt said this was an asset that not everybody knew was here


Harnett said most people that were in


Morgan thanked Jack for coming and said important to recognize that when it was created, things so much different and as move forward hard to recognize limited function-because they publicize meeting, are we limited to discussions we have with them


Chair Holt said they were looking for ways to work with everyone to get businesses into the County.



Update of GCIDA Activities



Discussion of New Industry: Medical Marijuana

  Chair said a lot was cleared up with bonding-felt medical marijuana will be major industry here and asked how do they help any industry that wanted to come here


Beth Kirkland, GCDC, appeared before the Board to address questions


With regards to sites, most are looking for light purpose


Holt said need something to go after industries the County wanted and need all engines to work together


Taylor stepped out at this juncture.


V said when he was first on the Board he wanted to know what each committee was responsible for and now getting educated on what the Authority did.  Asked



Discussion of New Industry: Gaming

  Chair Holt said if we win lawsuit on gaming. We get jobs


Taylor returned at this juncture.


She said with increase in industry, increase in jobs and taxes.



General Discussion



  Meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m.